
Golf Croquet Coaching


  • Tactics coaching taking place Saturday 27th April 2024.  See the "What's New" Page or Club diary for more details
  • Refresher Training on request
  • There are a number of coaching sessions taking place on various areas of the game. For details & to sign up please see the "Competitve Play" notice board in the clubhouse


Or contact David Bell or Alison Murray to arrange a session (email:

Association Croquet Coaching


  • General Coaching - Ist Wednesday of the month 


Or contact David White to arrange a session (email:


Top Tips to Improve Your Play


  • Grip - Hold the mallet firmly (but not too tight).
  • Stalk - Stand back from your ball and walk up to it along the line that you are going to hit it, so that ball, body and mallet are all in a straight line.
  • Stance - Place the mallet on the ground behind your ball, make sure your feet are the same distance apart either side of the mallet and your toes are towards the rear of the mallet.
  • Head Down - When you have lined your shot up, keep your eye on the ball and do lift your head until you have hit it.
  • Follow Through - Hit through the ball and out the other side.
  • Approach Shots - Don't approach too close to hoop, but play about 1m out to give you a better chance of running the hoop next time.
  • Hoop Shots - Hit the ball firmly so that the energy in the ball helps carry it through the hoop and so your next shot is not hampered.
Club Summary of the Basic Rules of Golf Croquet
Golf Croquet Club Rules.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [54.9 KB]
Hoop Running Order for a 13pt Golf Croquet Game
Golf Croquet Hoop Order.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [191.3 KB]
Tactics at the Hoop for Golf Croquet
Golf Croquet Hoop Tactics.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [47.9 KB]
Ball Through the Hoop Guide
Golf Croquet Hoop Through.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [155.7 KB]
Croquet Association Golf Croquet Coaching Manual
CA Golf Croquet Coaching Manual.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [433.2 KB]


Monks Rest Gardens

Vicarage Lane



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